THI Responds to COVID-19 Threat
As part of THI’s work to provide you with accurate information around health issues, THI president David L. Katz, MD, MPH, and our Council members with expertise in this area, are providing links to trusted articles and resources on COVID-19. THI is working tirelessly to bring truth about the Coronavirus to the media, our partners, and the public realm. Please consider making a donation to support our work so we can continue to strategize, mobilize, and analyze information to optimize both public and personal health.
Global Association of Obesity and COVID-19 Death Rates
Objective: To examine the possible impact of obesity on COVID-19 death rates.
Importance: COVID-19 was responsible for an enormous global death toll with large variation among countries.
Design: Measure associations between obesity rates in 2016 and COVID-19 deaths/million
population through 2/25/2021, across countries.
Setting: Global.
Coronavirus Pandemic Risk Models for Total Harm Minimization
#TotalHarmMinimization Policy Suggestions in a Return to Work Context
THI Official Resources
Food is not junk; junk is not food. Food is the native fuel of the remarkable machine that is our body. Food is the construction material for the growing bodies of children we love. Food is the source for the replenishment an adult body requires daily, to the tune of hundreds of millions of cells, and countless essential compounds from enzymes to hormones.
Those of us who have lamented the twisted, blighted, calamitous relationship between America and guns many times over the years doubtless all feel the same virulent admixture of impulses in this moment: the desperate need to say or do something, and the dread of futility. When so many prior innocents gone to slaughter have not moved us to meaningful action- simple action taken to good effect by many other countries- why will Uvalde? We face this darkness, knowing our words will fork no lightning.
Interviews / Videos / Podcasts
U.S. News and World Report, U.S. News Reveals Best Diet Rankings for 2021, 1/04/21
6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System, Mo Perry interview with Dr. Katz, Jan/Feb 2021
ZDOGG MD Interview: Science and Sense in Our Covid Response with Dr. David Katz, 12/30/20
Lifestyle Medicine 2020 Keynote Address, David L. Katz, MD, 10/22/20
The Civil Discourse with Paula Marantz Cohen, 7/16/20
COVID Reality Check1, YouTube, 7/9/20
Together During Covid19 with JBS‘s Mark S. Golub, 7/7/20
Bottom Line Inc’s Sarah Hiner discusses re-entering a germ-filled society with Dr. David Katz. Watch on YouTube or listen to the podcast, 6/1/20
Spencer Bailey and Andrew Zuckerman of At a Distance podcast interview Dr. Katz on Understanding Covid-19 in a Big-Picture Context, 5/21/20. Also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher
Michael Moynihan Asks Dr. Katz: Is Our Cure Causing Another Disease? on Showtime’s VICE, 5/17/20
Dr. Oz Interviews Dr. Katz on the Effects of Vitamin D on #COVID19, 5/07/20
The Choreography of Contagion Interdiction, Rich Roll Podcast, 5/07/20
Roundtable – COVID-19: How New Information Should Drive Policy. U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 5/05/20
Illinois coronavirus: Possible permanent changes to work, school and travel after the COVID-19 lockdown, ABC 7 Eyewitness News, 5/4/20
Working Smarter, not Harder, Michael Smerconish, CNN, 5/01/20
Dr. Katz collaborates with Thomas L. Friedman in a New York Times opinion piece, 4/25/20
Dr. Katz explains #TotalHarmMinimization on Real Time with Bill Maher, 4/24/20
Dr. Katz joins Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin, 4/20/20: Part 1
Dr. Katz on Life, Liberty and Levin, Part 2
What We Are Learning From Global Data on COVID-19 So Far, 4/16/20
Octavian Report: Dr. David L. Katz on What We’re Getting Wrong, 4/3/20
Dr. David L. Katz On A Targeted Response To Coronavirus Pandemic, 3/30/20
CNN’s Smerconish: Should virus shutdown be modified to prevent other fallout?, 3/28/20
PBS News Hour: On balancing medical risk and economic pain, 3/24/20
Catalyst Health, Wellness and Performance Podcast: Corona Virus Perspective, 3/18/20 podcast: Dr. David L. Katz Interview, 3/17/20
Guidance from THI Partners & Council Members
Take Time for Self-Care by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Choices to Boost Immunity by the American College of Lifetsyle Medicine
How to Build Your Immunity Against the Coronavirus, Naturally by John La Puma
Coronavirus Protection (Word Document Download) by Leo Galland
5 Ways Nutrition Could Help Your Immune System Fight off the Coronavirus by Clare Collins
A Dietitian’s Guide to Reduce Stress During COVID-19 by Kara Landau
A Dietitian’s Guide to Reduce Stress During COVID-19 (LinkedIn) by Kara Landau
Portal for Innovation
Do you have an idea for a new ventilator? A pattern for a cloth mask? A research paper on clinical results for treating COVID patients in your hospital? Visit these sites to read more and submit your own innovations and ideas:
JAMA Network
"JAMA Network Open will publish research on all aspects of clinical care, innovations in health care, health policy, and global health across all health disciplines."
Visit JAMA
"A significant opportunity to apply open source design principles and mass-scale collaborative distributed manufacturing technologies (like open source 3D printing) to at least partially overcome medical supply shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic."
Visit Opensource.comCOVID-19 Medical Supplies
"Open Source Medical Supplies provides local makers with medically vetted, open-source plans and support in organizing local value chains so you can create and distribute much needed protective gear and equipment to your local communities."
Visit Facebook Group