NOTeD: Margaret “Coach Meg” Moore Shares the Depth of Wellness Coaching

Tom Rifai, MD, FACP
What is wellness coaching? Margaret Moore shares that it’s about “deep, deep humanity…I mean real deep empathy for human beings. It’s easy to talk about being mindful and present and empathetic. But the stuff that really brings you to a place where you can help others to change is a complete acceptance, a complete empathy for the other person. And that takes a fair amount of consciousness to get to. You’ve go to be pretty awake to who you are.” Watch Dr. Tom’s interview with Coach Meg and prepare to be amazed.

In this episode of NOTeD I had the distinct pleasure of having a casual- and therefore even more powerful- conversation with my friend, world authority on wellness coaching, Margaret Moore.

Known affectionately as “Coach Meg,“ Margaret’s bona fides include Chair of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, and the founder and CEO of the wildly successful Wellcoaches School of Coaching.

The Path to Wellness Coaching

This NOTeD journey with Coach Meg takes us from her roots growing up on a farm in Canada and her unique, inherent ability to self regulate, to her time in biotech. It was there that she observed a stark discrepancy between the level of intelligence among her otherwise incredible colleagues and the way they were (mostly not so well) managing their own health.

The spirit of that experience springboarded her into an unstoppable desire to establish and construct, in partnership with other pioneer leaders, a science-based paradigm for wellness coaching that could help people reconcile their behaviors with their own personal life goals, from business performance to life and health related performance.

We discuss the journey towards healthcare reimbursement for wellness coaching, and all of the collaborative effort that she has so deftly woven together in order to help move the process forward using grit and patience with many special partners along the way.

Wellness Coaching and the Daily Routine

We also discuss how Coach Meg goes about her daily routine to ensure that she has the best wellness and health: from food and physical activity to stress management.

And don’t even ASK about her age. Not simply because it would be rude to do so, but also because you would likely injure yourself falling backwards in shock if you heard.

If you “just must” know her age, please check out this recent University of Michigan Wellness Paradox Podcast that Coach Meg was on with another good friend and Professor of Kinesiology, Michael Stack. In fact, you could consider his podcast Part 1 and this NOTeD interview Part 2 of a full-scale interview with Coach Meg, since each complements the other so well, while largely covering different areas.

Thank you so much, Coach Meg, for this wonderful opportunity on our NOTeD platform to share your life’s ongoing and amazing journey of helping so many in need of true health through wellness coaching. We couldn’t be happier about your journey to promote and recognize even more wellness coaches, and their important skills, for the long-haul – all the way to insurance reimbursement!
