Dr. Yu is an integrative rheumatologist in private practice in Newport Beach, California.
He is double board-certified in internal medicine and lifestyle medicine. He obtained his MD from Chicago Medical School and holds a Masters in Healthcare Administration and Biomedical sciences. He completed his internal medicine residency and rheumatology fellowship at Loma Linda University in Southern California. He is now in the Integrative Medicine Fellowship at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Yu has a very unique perspective on autoimmune disease and arthritis as he is both a patient with arthritis and physician. Dr. Yu was diagnosed with gout at the age of 17 and later diagnosed with spondyloarthritis as well. He is able to understand his patient’s medical problems from a patient perspective. The foundation of his practice is to combine allopathic medicine with complementary medicine. He has used food to significantly improve his own autoimmune disease and has not needed any immunomodulators to heal. He spreads this message to his followers on social media as well as his patients to educate them food can be powerful.
He has been featured in multiple articles and webinars including Forks over Knives, Forbes magazine, Spondyloarthritis Association of America, Lupus LA, Lupus Foundation of America, CreakyJoints.