Home » Fighting Falsehoods » Is Red Meat Still Bad for You? The Experts Say Less is Best
Is Red Meat Still Bad for You? The Experts Say Less is Best
PUBLISHED BY: EndocrineWeb
“We know that a bad diet is linked to all kinds of health there are significant harms that come from small effects, yet this group is claiming that the deaths of 305,000 people a year is insignificant,” says David L. Katz, MD, founding director of Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, and founder and president of the True Health Initiative based in New Haven, Connecticut.
Before you start eating more red meat, or feeling less concerned about your health when you do, consider the facts rather than the fantasy offered by poorly reported research, say US experts who are working hard to tell you the truth behind the headlines promising that red meat is really ok. It is not—particularly if your hope to live healthier into your older years.
We have relied on a mountain of evidence supporting the US dietary guidelines, and experts including the Surgeon General to guide our food choices to prevent chronic diseases and reduce health risks.
Now there’s a challenge to the strong recommendation that we should limit our intake of red meat and avoid processed meats in order to lessen the chance of developing chronic conditions like heart disease and cancer. Along comes a group of international researchers who have upended the accepted dietary recommendation on red meat, suggesting that there’s no good reason to reduce our consumption. Could it be too good to be true? Yes indeed.