Eating Potatoes Will Make You Look Like a Potato

Yes, Potatoes are bulgy, lumpy, starchy, vegetables.

No, eating potatoes will not make you fat, give you diabetes, or in any way, single-handedly curtail your health and fitness goals.

Yes, potatoes (particularly russet potatoes) have a relatively high glycemic index, but this GI is dependent on many factors including how they are cooked and what they’re eaten with. Monitoring glycemic index could be valuable for people with diabetes and metabolic syndrome however, this often means eating whole foods in sensible amounts and combinations; and does not mean turning plants into terrifying villains that must be avoided.

Some Fundamental Truths:

A medium-sized baked potato has between 110 and 140 calories,10 vitamins and minerals, roughly 4 grams of protein and is 79% water. That same potato also has more potassium than a banana and can be more satiating than the high-protein meal you keep stashed in your bag.

Choose from a wide variety: Purple Viking, Yukon Gold, Ruby Crescent, Russet. Potatoes with the darkest flesh may have the most health-promoting benefits because of their flavonoid content. Boil them, bake them, or steam them. Small amounts of healthy fats (think olive oil) could limit effects on insulin.
