Home » NOTeD Explores “Meat Me Halfway:” The Reducetarian Evolution
NOTeD Explores “Meat Me Halfway:” The Reducetarian Evolution
There isn’t a NOTeD interview that I felt hasn’t brought something truly special to our audience. But as a Flexitarian, I often feel “stuck in between” the “diet wars” among people I love, so this NOTeD interview has touched my heart the most of all I’ve done so far.
Brian Kateman is the lead producer of the 2021 documentary Meat Me Halfway and president and cofounder of the Reducetarian Foundation. The Foundation’s general mission is to (lovingly) nudge people to reduce, but not necessarily (or unrealistically) pressure them to 100% eliminate their intake of (particularly factory farmed) animal-based food intake.
The Reducetarian diet is based on compassion for ourselves in our own health, the health of animals (particularly those in tortuous confined animal feeding operations) and the health of our planet.
The Inspiration for the Meat Me Halfway Documentary
Brian gives us insight into his journey to becoming the leading Reducetarian thought leader, including some touching stories about his internal struggles with what he felt to be the counterproductive expectations of both plant-pure eaters on one end and SAD (Standard American Diet) eaters on the other – which, frankly, included his parents. Notably, there’s a very touching ending to the movie in that regard.
He also provides us with some great “behind the scenes“ stories about the movie plus a “first ever reveal!”We had a meaningful discussion regarding the common ground between Flexitarians and Reducetarians and how they are beautifully distinct without a problematic difference.
And what can I say? I just can’t help it! Yes, I asked him the NOTeD staple question about what he eats, how his wife feels about his journey (something I can very much identify with) and any plans for future movies (his answer is very cool!).
So sit back, or please walk if the spirit moves you, and listen to this charming, intelligent and mission-focused young man. He has a WHY and will feed you food for thought with it. He’ll do it with love and respect. He’ll do it well. You’ll feel it. Enjoy!