Home » NOTeD: Dr. Sebastien Chastin Reviews His Studies on Physical Activity
NOTeD: Dr. Sebastien Chastin Reviews His Studies on Physical Activity
Sebastien Chastin is a Professor of Health Behavior Dynamics in the School of Health and Life Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University and in the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences at Ghent University. He believes, and his team is proving, that why, when and how people decide to move (or not) is crucial to promoting healthy movement behavior and aging.
Prof. Chastin develops statistical and analytical techniques to extract information from body sensors such as accelerometers that enable him to understand how humans accumulate physical activity, sedentary time and sleep, and how this changes over time. He and his team have produced innumerable studies on the benefits of physical activity.
How Much Does Physical Activity Reduce Risk of Falling into Infectious Disease?
Recently, Dr. Chastin and his team published two timely pieces. The first study is about the power of physical activity to fight off and resist infections via immune system enhancement, in addition to regular exercise’s power to enhance vaccine efficacy. You will be amazed at the results they found!
The second study is an ingenious analysis on helping differentiate the roles of dedicated, structured exercise versus non-exercise activity time when it comes to mortality risk. We discuss both in this interview and it is fascinating.
3-2-1 Formula
Professor Chastin gives us a great background on the history of physical activity science as well as his own personal history and roots of his passion for activity as medicine. He helps wrap all of it in a practical “how to concoct your own activity cocktail” discussion with specific numbers showing equivalent minutes of light activity versus moderate to vigorous activity.
All of this will inspire you – as it did me – and reinforce our growing understanding that all movement counts. Please enjoy this NOTeD interview, maybe even while taking your own movement break!