Tammy and Lyssie Lakatos
New York City
-New York-
United States

Tammy Lakatos Shames and Lyssie Lakatos, The Nutrition Twins®, are twin sisters and nationally recognized registered dietitians and personal trainers with more than 15 years of experience helping thousands to lose weight, get healthier, happier and into tip-top shape.  The duo are the authors of The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure, Fire Up Your Metabolism and The Secret To Skinny. They have been featured as experts on major TV shows/ networks and popular press ranging from The Doctors, Good Morning America Health, CNN and Fox and Friends to USA Today, Health Magazine and Vogue. They have been named as a “Top Influencer” on Pinterest with nearly 4 Million followers and they were named the “Top 20 Nutrition Expert to Follow on Twitter” by The Huffington Post; the duos media presence and online influence earned them an invitation to the White House. They are experts and bloggers for celebrity Brooke Burke’s ModernMom.com as well as for The American Council on Exercise (Acefitness.org) and LIVESTRONG.com. Tammy and Lyssie live in New York City where they enjoy running and biking to keep fit as well as chasing after Tammy’s twin daughters. Visit them at NutritionTwins.com