Dr. Frampton is the President of Planetree, a not-for-profit advocacy and membership organization that works with a growing international network of healthcare provider organizations across the continuum of care to implement comprehensive patient-/person-centered models of care. Dr. Frampton, a medical anthropologist, has authored numerous publications, including the popular Putting Patients First edited collections. She also serves on the editorial/review boards for The Journal of Compassionate Health Care, International Journal of Reliable and Quality e-Healthcare, and Social Science and Medicine.
Dr. Frampton was appointed co-chair of the National Priorities Partnership (NPP), a collaborative of 52 major national organizations convened by the National Quality Forum working to identify strategies for improving safety, quality and patient-centered outcomes for the U.S. health care system. In 2011, she served on NPP’s Better Care Subcommittee, in 2013 she co-chaired the NPP (Re)admissions Action Team, and in 2014 was appointed to co-chair the Patient Family Engagement Action Team. In addition to this work with NPP, Dr. Frampton has participated on The Joint Commission’s Expert Advisory Panel on culturally competent patient-centered care standards, the National Quality Forum’s Care Coordination Steering Team, the Institute of Medicine’s Patient and Family Council Leadership Consultative Group, and WHO’s patient and family engagement expert advisory group.
In addition to speaking internationally on culture change, quality, safety, and the patient experience, she was named one of “20 People who Make Healthcare Better” by Health Leaders Magazine in 2009.