Dr. Nancy Collins is a registered and licensed dietitian/nutritionist based in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Collins has over 25 years of practitioner experience in foodservice management, clinical nutrition, and consulting to health care institutions.
Dr. Collins is nationally known as a geriatric nutrition expert and medico-legal expert dealing with the interwoven issues of malnutrition, wound healing, and unintended weight loss in patients. She has served as an expert witness in over 450 legal matters and is highly regarded for her knowledge of both nutritional science and regulatory/standard of care matters.
Dr. Collins is a frequent speaker at medical education symposia and a prolific author. Dr. Collins is an editorial advisor to the journal Advances in Skin and Wound Care, and a columnist for Ostomy Wound Management. She is also the member of many medical advisory boards including the American Professional Wound Care Association, which awarded her Fellow status. Dr. Collins is the sole dietitian/nutritionist with Fellow status in wound care.
In addition, Dr. Collins is the founder of www.Nutrition411.com, an online resource for healthcare professionals offering over 3000 free, customizable resources on a wide variety of nutrition and health topics.
Dr. Collins has a long history of service to the profession and has served as president of the Florida Dietetic Association, chair of the Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group, delegate in the House of Delegates, member of the inaugural nutrition informatics committee and numerous other positions including several Evidence Analysis Library (EAL) work groups. Currently she is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) representative to the Alliance on Wound Care Stakeholders and a board member for the Nevada Dietetic Association (NDA).
Dr. Collins has earned a B.S. degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in foodservice administration and completed a M.S. degree in dietetics and nutrition and doctoral degree in human nutrition at Florida International University. She has also completed the Oregon Health & Science University biomedical informatics 10 x 10 program in conjunction with the American Medical Informatics Association.