Dr. Meetu Khosla is a Professor in psychology, Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, India. She is passionately involved in spreading awareness about health psychology as an educator, researcher and health professional. She has received the prestigious Award of University of Delhi of excellence in teaching and research. Being a Fulbright-Nehru Fellow, Shastri Fellow, ICSSR Fellow and Erasmus Mundus Fellow she had the opportunity to interact with the academics, students, researchers and community members in USA, France, Poland, and Canada and understand their health needs and disparities in health care. She has written a book on Physiological Psychology, the first by an Indian author, published by Sage in 2017 ,with an aim of developing interest and understanding into the relationship between the mind and the body and how various systems of the body are influenced by our emotions, cognition, bad habits, malnutrition ,stress etc. She has written another book on “Understanding the Psychology of Health and Wellbeing” in 2022, by SAGE publications. She has written more than 95 papers and articles on health and wellbeing to spread awareness about the key issues involved in health sciences, the theoretical underpinnings and the empirical findings to elucidate the gravity of the problem.
She is deeply involved in public health issues, disease prevention, developed intervention programs for enhancing mental health and wellbeing among the youth and elderly. She has worked extensively on emotion and its generation, expression and regulation and its role in affective health, emotional wellbeing, depression, resilience and neuro-cognitive disturbances. She has delivered several lectures, seminars and workshops across the globe to understand the importance of yoga in promoting mental wellbeing and physical health, spreading awareness about karma yoga, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga and meditation techniques. She has organised several skill development programs to provide training in value engagement, stress management, building resilience, strengthening emotional wellbeing, life style management skill programs and key to happiness. She is actively working to spread awareness on issues pertaining to health, wellbeing and resilience and has developed intervention programs to enhance health via compassion and resilience. Her main focus is to spread the knowledge and insights from Bhagvad Gita and Vedas, the tradition Indian texts to guide the way of living, prevent illness and disease, promote trajectories to wellness, and enhance health and wellbeing at low cost effective methods. Her blog on Health and wellbeing is a step forward to reach out to the general ,non academic community and to share the knowledge about healthy behaviour and thinking patterns and the need for wellbeing. She engages the community and academic members in workshops to build mental health immunity.