Dr. Kohlmeier is Research Professor in the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health. He was deputy director of clinical laboratory services at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin. He has studied metabolic effects of diet and drug interventions and developed methods for the analysis of nutritionally related risk indicators in large populations. A major focus of his research is the impact of common genetic variants on nutritional sufficiency. Previous work in nutritional genetics identified cholesterol synthesis as a determinant of sensitivity to cholesterol feeding, the apolipoprotein E polymorphism as a modulator of vitamin K status and bone fracture risk, lactase persistence as a promoter of phytoestrogen bioavailability, and a common MTHFD1 variant as a predictor of susceptibility to choline depletion. He is now developing online tools to guide intake based on individual lifestyle and multiple genetic factors. He is the author of a comprehensive biochemistry textbook, “Nutrient Metabolism”, detailing the molecular fate of more than a hundred food constituents. Dr. Kohlmeier is project director of the Nutrition in Medicine (NIM) and Nutrition Education for Practicing Physicians (NEPP) projects.