Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom is a national expert in the field of health and wellness, nutrition, and weight management. An award-winning clinician and researcher, she is an established national media expert and health journalist. She is the on-air Health and Nutrition Editor for NBC News and the TODAY Show. She is also the Health Editor-at-Large for ivillage.com.
Dr. Fernstrom is a Professor of Psychiatry, Epidemiology and Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). She is a board certified Nutrition Specialist from the American College of Nutrition. Dr. Fernstrom was the founding director of the UPMC Weight Management Center, a first of its kind concept offering integrated treatment of obesity, using lifestyle, medical, and/or surgical tools in a personalized, team treatment approach. She is a former Senior Health Advisor for the UPMC Health Plan.
Dr. Fernstrom earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Boston University and a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she studied nutritional biochemistry, metabolism, and neuropharmacology. She served a fellowship in endocrinology and behavior Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, CNSat the Harvard Medical School and joined the faculty of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 1982.
She has published more than 100 research papers and several books, including The Real You Diet, The Runners Diet, and Don’t Eat This If You’re Taking That (the hidden risks of mixing food and medicine). She is well known for her ability to translate science-based health concepts into plain language and easy take home messages for consumers. Dr. Fernstrom is also a popular health and wellness speaker, presenting to audiences both large and small. Her comprehensive, yet easy to understand approach to healthy living, and the partnering of lifestyle and medical care has created a devoted following.