Dr. Karin Hehenberger is an experienced life sciences executive, who has dedicated her career to applying medical science to impacting people living
with chronic disease. Dr Hehenberger founded and launched Lyfebulb in January of 2014, after close to 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, which she entered after obtaining M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and conducting her post-doctoral work as a JDRF fellow at the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School. Lyfebulb is a company focused on bringing innovative and impactful biopharmaceutical, medical device and consumer products to market. The overall mission is to improve the quality of life for people living with chronic disease, with a special focus on investing in diabetes innovation leveraging the lived experience by patient entrepreneurs. Dr Hehenberger has held leadership positions in the biopharmaceutical industry including at Johnson & Johnson, Eyetech pharmaceuticals and Coronado biosciences, as well as on the investment side of healthcare at both private and public multi-billion dollar funds. Dr Hehenberger is considered an expert in the field of Metabolic disease and is an invited speaker at numerous conferences and at corporate strategy sessions on this topic, as well as the subject of patient impact, innovation and alternative financing methods for early stage research. She recently gave a TEDX talk in Lugano, Switzerland on the importance of patient involvement in reversing the global diabetes pandemic. She is a Senior Advisor, Biotechnology and Medical Innovation for the Department of Endocrinology and Surgery at the Karolinska Institute, the Scientific Advisor to the CEO of Helsinn, and sits on the US corporate board for Orgenesis (ORGS), the advisory boards for DietSensor and Diasome. She is also a board member of the Rolf Luft Diabetes Research Foundation and was previously a board member of the Lighthouse Guild foundation. Dr Hehenberger has published a book called “The Everything you need to know about diabetes cookbook”. She is a Swedish citizen, but based in New York City.