1. Graduated as Medical. Then a specialist in Medical Oncology. School of Oncology of the Province of Buenos Aires. National University of La Plata, Argentina. (UNLP) ( (SUNEDU: https://www.sunedu.gob.pe)
2. Master’s Degree in Clinical Research, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. (UAEM) (SUNEDU: https://www.sunedu.gob.pe)
3.PhD. Degree in Doctor of Medicine, National University of La Plata, Argentina. (UNLP) (SUNEDU: https://www.sunedu.gob.pe)
4. Director of the Research Institute in Biomedical Sciences, Universidad Ricardo Palma.( http://v-beta.urp.edu.pe/pregrado/facultad-de-medicina-humana/instituto-de-investigacion-de-ciencias-biomedicas-inicib/)
5. Research Professor in the National System of Researchers (SINACYT),en DINA y REGINA: CONCYTEC.( http://dina.concytec.gob.pe/appDirectorioCTI/VerDatosInvestigador.do;jsessionid=0a57f731d8f19e91a96dd3446392?id_investigador=39119)
6. President, Latin American Lifestyle Medicine Association ( http://lalma.co)
7. Coordinator and Representative of European Association Sciences Editors (EASE) ( http://www.ease.org.uk/about-us/regional-chapters/peruvian-regional-chapter/)
8. Editor in Chief, Revista Científica de la Facultad de Medicina Humana, URP, Indexed in ScIELO. ( http://revistas.urp.edu.pe/index.php/RFMH/about/editorialTeam)
9. President ISPOR-PERU. ( https://www.ispor.org/RegionalChapters/Chapter/Peru)
10.Ammbasador European Lifestyle Medicine Organization. ( https://eulm.org/ambassadors-worldwide )
11. International Lecturer in Oncology, Preventive Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. ( https://ecancer.org/video/3535/–1er-simposio-internacional-de-ecancer-en-c–ncer-de-mama–.php) ( http://www.medicinadeestilodevida.org/includes/mate/ProgramaICLM-ES.pdf)
12. National and International Scientific Publications.
13. Former Head of Teaching and Research, Good Hope Clinic. ( http://www.goodhope.org.pe/investigacion/sobre-el-centro/)
14. Board Member Professor, Doctorate in Oncology and Research. University of Palermo, Italy.
15. Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Montemorelos, México.
16. Founder and director of the Chair of Lifestyle Medicine, URP. Director of International Program of Especializaton in Lifestyle Medicine.
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Web of Science ResearcherID I-1617-2018