Ian MacDonald
Great Falls
United States

Ian Macdonald is Professor of Metabolic Physiology at the University of Nottingham and Head of the newly formed School of Life Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. His research interests are concerned with the functional consequences of metabolic and nutritional disturbances in health and disease, with specific interests in obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and exercise. More recent work has focused on the metabolic aspects of diabetes and obesity, including the effects of diet composition and weight loss, and the impact of dietary supplements on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

He has published over 300 peer-reviewed original research papers, together with reviews, book chapters and invited contributions. In September 2013 he was elected as a Fellow of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences. He is currently joint Editor of the International Journal of Obesity, a member of the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, a Fellow of the Society of Biology, a Registered Nutritionist and an Honorary Fellow of the Association for Nutrition.