Cindy Geyer is the Medical Director at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, where she has been working as a physician in integrative medicine since 1998. She received her MD degree from The Ohio State University in 1988 and completed her residency in internal medicine at Strong Memorial Hospital in 1991. She has been part of the core faculty for the Center for Mind Body Medicine’s annual Food as Medicine conference for 14 years, teaching physicians and other health professionals how to incorporate nutritional and lifestyle strategies for themselves and their patients. She serves on the city of Pittsfield’s Board of Health and is an active member of the Healthy Pittsfield Partnership; she is also a board member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
A clinician, educator, mother, and avid hiker, she is passionate about collaborative approaches to health and wellness: from the integrative team model in working with individual patients, to community partnerships that together can effect healthy changes in the places people live, work and play.