Dr. Brigham is the President of Brigham and Associates, Inc. His goal is to have us all, including those who are injured and ill, experience joyful and productive lives. He is committed to working with others in the application of evidence-based medicine and best practices to promote function.
He is the author of Living Abled and Healthy: Your Guide to Injury and Illness Recovery, Editor-in-Chief of the AMA Guides Newsletter, and Senior Contributing Editor for the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition. Chris has written over two hundred and fifty peer-reviewed articles, chaired the Medical Advisory Board for the Medical Disability Advisor (Fourth Edition) and is featured in video, audio, and web-based productions.
Chris received his Medical Degree from the Washington University School of Medicine – St. Louis and his Masters of Medical Science from Rutgers Medical School. He is Board-Certified in Occupational Medicine (ABPM), Founding Director of the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (ABIME), a Fellow of the American College of Occupational Environmental Medicine (FACOEM), and a Fellow of the American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians (FAADEP) with Certification in Evaluation of Disability and Impairment Rating (CEDIR). He is a mentor with the Marine Corps Wounded Warriors Battalion West and a Founding Director of the Faith Based Claims Association.